Ametro Oy
Cleaning company Ametro is seeking robust yet controlled growth for its business. Due to the pandemic, growth had somewhat stalled, and when the collaboration began in early 2021, the management sought clarity on where to genuinely focus. Additionally, there was a need for answers on how to achieve the next growth leaps and how to further incorporate the benefits of digitalization into the management of a small-to-medium-sized enterprise. To support growth, the Clarity service partnership was chosen, and within the first year of our collaboration, Ametro broke the three-million-euro revenue barrier for the first time. In the second year, we’re aiming to approach the four-million-euro mark.
Data-driven leadership for growth and continuous learning
Ametro Ltd is a family-owned cleaning company focusing on home cleaning in the Helsinki metropolitan area and Uusimaa. The company invests in long-term customer relationships and systematically develops its operations – in 2022, a new service,, was launched, improving the customer experience in home cleaning and supporting the development of the company’s service sales.
“I’ve learned something new from every meeting I’ve had with Aamu.” -Ville Haataja, CEO, Ametro Ltd
Throughout our collaboration, the main theme of Clarity has been defining growth-supporting actions based on data. Analyses have emphasized aspects such as customer acquisition, the development of customer acquisition costs, allocation of marketing investments across different channels, increasing customer retention and average billing, and many other factors driving successful growth. A systematic understanding and analysis via the Clarity online service, combined with action recommendations formed during joint meetings, laid the foundation for a significantly enhanced understanding within the company of implementing growth through various measures. This increased understanding began to reflect month by month in the company’s operational key figures and subsequently in the bottom line.
During the collaboration, we encouraged Ametro’s management to increase marketing investments and aided in better targeting, considering customer acquisition costs. Following Aamu’s recommendations, the number of new customers grew by a third compared to the same period the previous year. Additionally, the customer lifetime value improved favorably during the collaboration due to enhanced customer retention and increased average billing resulting from investments in customer relationship management.
Expertise in analyzing figures and crafting conclusions
Another theme in the collaboration, besides business development, has been data-driven learning from the perspectives of both the entrepreneur who has led the company for a long time and the future business leader of the next generation. Aamu helped achieve an understanding of the company’s most critical business drivers and metrics, establishing clear practices, structures, and systematic approaches for analyzing the company’s key metrics. This work has served as a basis for Ametro in outlining the key cornerstones of their 2023 strategy and planning its execution.
In our monthly joint meetings, we have systematically focused on themes that have the greatest leverage on the company’s growth and areas where the management can directly influence. This has resulted in a significant percentage and, more importantly, euro-based growth in Ametro’s business. Growth and a larger scale will open new doors for taking the next growth leaps. Three financial years before the collaboration: revenue 2.3 – 2.7 million EUR – The first two financial years of Clarity collaboration: revenue 3.2 and 3.9 million EUR.
With Aamu's recommendations, we were able to target growth investments more effectively and cost-efficiently, and the confidence to invest in growth improved as a result of the collaboration.Ville Haataja, CEO, Ametro Oy