Aamu Partners’ Christmas gifts were given to Uganda and young entrepreneurs
What a year this has been to us at Aamu Partners! We have enjoyed a flow of new customers coming in to join our older ones, we have had the possibility to do super interesting projects throughout the year, and even the team has grown to serve our clients as well as possible. It has been a fantastic ride, and it will be a pleasure to continue to a new decade with even bigger rides coming up.
This year we also connected with a small non-profit NGO in Jinja, Uganda, called Sustain Micro Enterprise. One of our founders, Sanna, was working there as a volunteer business mentor with women who had received a micro loan to run and develop their own businesses. Pretty much the same ideology as we have at Aamu Partners – to help small enterprises grow and flourish. However, the scale in these women’s businesses in Uganda is a bit different from ours. The typical loans are 13-30 euros, with more experienced and successful businesses receiving a loan of up to 50 euros. And these tiny loans change lives.
This is why we wanted to donate our Christmas present money to help these vulnerable women with their businesses through Sustain Micro Enterprise. They are building a Women’s Training Center near the rural villages, offering health services, vocational and business skills training, teaching literacy and numeracy, and supporting the women in their lives in any other way. Thank you for being part of helping these women get their own Center!
With these greetings we want to thank you all for this past year and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020!
P.S. If you want to join us in helping SustainME and the wonderful women of Uganda, you can find them here: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/sustainme-uganda/